Hi Becks, Bonnzo & MissMelly
I hope you all have fun on the forum
hi i am a newbie!!
i dont want to put a big post about my life here just yet, because, well, its just not that interesting!
i am here to learn, meet new people and find a bit about myself.
Hi Becks, Bonnzo & MissMelly
I hope you all have fun on the forum
men must have short hair in the org.. does this mean that sisters can have their hair as long as they want?.
Everyone looks good with long hair
i'm banging on an oracle database with a table holding 200,000,000 records.
just getting a count of those bad boys takes several seconds.. it got me to wondering about google.
they index 8 billion pages.
It's thought that Google keeps the entire network in ultra-fast Ram distributed among thousands of servers (conservative estimate 500 terabytes). It also has a cache of the most common searched for terms that can be returned immediately. Nothing is written to disk as seek times are too slow to be effective
No-one knows for sure though as it's a closely guarded secret.
someone sent these state motto's to me and i was curious to know if any of us could make some up for the jw's?
i personally will have to think on it for days, but i know some are very quick witted and this could be fun!
i posted the state mottos to get us started.
Semper fidelis, nunquam dubium
Join us or die!
Knock, knock, knocking on everyone's door
Are we there yet?
a simple tooth extraction has led to this.
it was an upper tooth that was root canaled.
canal went bad and i had it pulled out in about six pieces.
All the best with your surgery
Here's a joke to cheer you up - Why are dentists always being told to cheer up? It's because they are always looking down in the mouth!
That joke sounds funnier when your on morphine.. honest.
do you guys know any very obviously crazy jw's?
i've noticed that they have been "flocking" to the org.
over the past few years especially.
Although they weren't bona fide JW's we had quite a few drunks wandering in to my old hall wanting a pee cos the KH was near a pub. The overzealous attendants used to drag them into the hall for a listen though. It was always entertaining listening to them heckle the speaker or answer up at the watchtower with expletives.
We had one JW sister who was nuts but also really annoying. If she started talking to you she wouldn't let you get away and all her conversation was about how great she was and how many operations she'd had. She used to just turn up at JW's houses unannounced and talk till 2am or until you physically showed her to the door. She also spread gossip about people that wasn't true. The best one was she said a young brother had been stalking her, making eyes at her and had made a pass at her. This guy was about 22 and she's about 60 and it was wishful thinking on her part. The elders to their credit knew she was a loon so usually ignored her. It said a lot that her sons wouldn't have anything to do with her and her husband commited suicide.
There were quite a few others who were regarded as loony but I think they had genuine mental illnesses. I feel sorry for them now as they obviously think they'll be cured in the new system and they kept on going to meetings even though they got little respect from people there.
back when i was a good little faithful dub i never read apostate literature.
however, when i brought a school friend of mine to a district convention he picked up a pamphlet from this really crazy looking apostate guy (you know the type, wild eyed brown trenchcoat, sandwhich board, yelling "the watchtower is a ssssnnnnaaaarrrrreeee!!!
through a megaphone).
I can't really see any demonz in those pics but I can see Dame Edna; I wonder if that means anything?
It's like chintz curtain syndrome where you look at flowery curtains and see a weird face? (does that just happen to me? please say it doesn't )
the pre-meeting study had just ended.
mum whipped the teacloth off of her head and told us all to get our meeting clothes on.
those itchy, stuffy meeting clothes!
LOL.. funny story dude... although not funny at the time, if you know what I mean. The bit about knowing the most notorious bigamist cracked me up. I hated wearing ties too and I think everyone on JWD thinks ties should be banned!
It says a lot that standing in a pissy smelling toilet feels like an oasis of joy compared with being in the meeting. I remember when I was young all the youths were always getting told off for going to the toilets too often. We used to talk about football and swap stickers and stuff or throw a urinal cake at a kid we didn't like
Welcome to the board drum & bach
here in quebec, ordinary unleaded is 94.4 cents a litre.
(that's the cheapest gas!!!).
there are 3.78 liters per american gallon, so this would give $3.57 a us gallon..... what's the price of gas in your area?
At my local garage it's about £4 a gallon, which works out about $7.60.
We're being screwed basically but I don't care cos I don't drive anymore
if you had the power to make one new law up in your community or country, what would it be??
Is this one of those genie in the bottle questions?
Ooh, that gave me an idea Blondie. I'd ban Christine Aguilera!